tasty bytes from China

June 2011
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The fantasy is over.
Filed under: General
Posted by: @ 9:39 am


You’d be surprised the weird things you dream about while living in China.

Many Late Night REM performances involve trips back to America to see loved ones or more truthfully, loved stuff. Of course, the details of the dreams would be odd, such as being half dressed for a flight, forgetting our passports or getting a bulk head seat next to Bullwinkle on a pilgrimage back to America.

One of my reoccurring dreams involved our storage unit in Chicago, a five by eight foot cubicle filled with crap  we rent in Chicago.

We rent the space, not the crap.

This space I travel to nightly is an imaginary mecca of my mind, containing all of the stuff that didn’t fit into our 200 pounds of luggage we originally brought to China. The inventory includes my Hobart mixer, art work of my father’s, my great grandmother’s rocking chair and Jeff’s fishing poles.

And of course, the space also contains all of the things I thought were in the side pocket of the Samsonite. That includes a DVD of family photos, a stop watch (with an actual second hand), a pepper grinder, two steak knives, an oyster shell Christmas ornament, an Ove Glove, and half of a bike lock.

 So for ten months at night– especially after meals that contained lots of local mushrooms–my imagination would journey to Riverview Storage in Chicago, searching for the things on my “honey I thought YOU packed it” list.

Now Fast Forward to last week when we really got to Chicago. After fueling up on guacamole and tootsie rolls we stopped at our storage unit.

We cracked open the lock, sure to find all of the things we lusted for over the three hundred and four days.

None of them appeared.

The booty  I  thought it contained wasn’t there, making me feeling like a crusty old pirate who gave his right hook for a treasure chest filled with sea crabs.

We did find a few cool T-shirts we forgot existed, the charger from a cell phone that we no longer desperately needed, and my cuckoo clock.

Kooks (the bird in my clock) will be coming to China with us, with our without a visa.  Jeff wants to replace the bird with a miniature statue of Chairman Mao.

So the big question is, now that the fantasy is over where will our dreams take us now?

The cereal aisle at Jewel?  

The candy selection at Walgreens? 

Or while in America, will  visions of squatty potties invade our brains when we hit the hay?

Only time will tell.

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